In the home stretch

Well, the past couple of weeks have been quite eventful!

I started my new position, finished the nursery, went on maternity leave, attended a wedding, packed my hospital bag, and completed some DIY projects. Oh, and made a quick stop in L&D for some monitoring.

Last Thursday I started maternity leave and also got bad headache. It lasted all day and into the next. Friday’s was worse, but my friend came over to see the nursery and hang out so I powered through it. Unfortunately, it was still there Saturday and way worse. I took Tylenol and it did nothing for me. Finally I texted my doctor that evening while at the wedding reception and he asked me to go into L&D to be checked for pre-eclampsia. I knew I didn’t have it, but went anyway. And, to be honest, it was nice to go and see how things work. And meet all the nice nurses! I was given Fioricet for my head and an ice pack made out of a size 1 diaper haha! After a few hours, I started to feel better and all my labs came back normal so I got to go home. Sunday, I continued icing and taking meds and finally Monday my migraine went away.

While I was sequestered in the darkest room in our house, I finished the coming-home onesie cardigans I had been slowly working on here and there. Baby will wear a white onesie underneath the one that fits him best (one is nb and one is 0-3mos) and the bow tie will clip on to the white onesie. The blue sweater is size 0-3mos so it’ll fit him no matter what.


Hubster and I also finished the storage benches for the playroom and cleaning the room out. Hubster mounted the TV, put up a cabinet for all the electronics, and covered all the cords. I put together the Ikea spice racks that will become bookshelves (4 in the playroom and 2 in the nursery) so all he has to do is spray paint them and mount them, which should be done this week. And to keep the toys and playmat clean and safe from the dogs, we’re waiting until he arrives to put them out.



And here is the nursery (minus the bookshelves)!






Here are my hospital bags before Hubster put his stuff in (toiletries and makeup bags are packed, but are currently being used so they’ll go in when we leave)





And, finally, here is my 37+4 bump that measured 41 (almost 42) weeks. Sigh.


As of today I’m 1 cm dilated and about 70% effaced. My doctor said he could feel the head pretty low. Not really low, but pretty low. So I guess the baby is where he’s supposed to be at this point.

I started taking EPO and a 3rd trimester tea yesterday to help tone my uterus and soften my cervix. We’ll see if it helps at my next appt. It’s very obvious the baby has dropped to people who haven’t seen me for a couple of weeks and today I felt so much more pressure just walking around. It’s uncomfortable, but reminds me that my baby and body are doing what they’re supposed to. For some reason the pelvic pain hasn’t increased, which I’m grateful for!

So that’s it for now. We’re pretty much ready and just waiting for the baby to arrive! Poor Hubster seems to be more impatient than I am haha.

18 thoughts on “In the home stretch

  1. You look great! Nursery looks soft and coY. Glad everything is ok as you approach the end! Baby is full term now congrats!!!

    • Yeah, our families are short and since the sides don’t go down anymore I wanted something easier. It’s from Amazon. Hmmm I guess I should post where I got everything! I’ll work on that!

  2. Any day now! So excited for you and waiting for the good news. I love what you’ve done with everything and I’m amazed at how prepared you are for it all…all I could think of was being able to walk properly and going more than 15 minutes between loo breaks lol!

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