OK not really, but pretty much lol. I was asked if I would like to write a guest post for an amazingly talented blogger friend and I quite foolishly accepted. I have been wanting to write this post for a year now, but I have neglected to sit down and actually do it. But after […]

I am officially emotionally-funk-free!

Well, at least for today I’m not feeling blue! My running has pretty much been nonexistent lately and I’m still not pregnant so I’ve been in a terrible funk. The longest funk of my life. The physical therapy has been helping my tight hip and ITBS but I was annoyed with having to do PT […]

Hi friends!

Eeek I’ve been away a really long time! Too much has gone on to really catch up so here it is in bullets: -still not pregnant lol -hubby is no longer pursuing a career in law enforcement (phew!) -I’ve been attending really productive weekly physical therapy sessions -I ran my first pain-free 4 miles since […]