Lots to update

I got it!

Thanks for all the support and encouragement. I’m still in shock lol. My 2nd interview was on Wednesday and an hour after I was done, I got the offer.

So when I get back from maternity leave, I’ll be managing a brand new traveling unit of 4 staff. I can’t wait! I was already transferred to the unit to assist in the development of it so I’ll continue with it until I go on leave. While I’m on leave, another manager will hire my staff and start the onboarding process, then I come back in time for the field training.

It’s gonna be crazy, but seriously awesome!

Also, today my hubby’s coworkers (and my old coworkers) threw us a baby shower. It was so special because they were the ones supporting us and cheering us on as we started our TTC journey, and today they got to shower is with love, support, and so many gifts! It felt like we came full circle and I can’t wait to bring the baby in to meet all of them.

And tomorrow is another shower my best girlfriends are throwing for us! We are so spoiled!

Oh! My girlfriend came over last weekend and shared her concern about the state of our house and didn’t think we’d be ready to bring a baby home anytime soon. Hubster took it personally and was offended, which was great! Because he’s on a mission to prove her wrong lol!

We’re turning our family room into a playroom and he got the TV mounted on the wall, bought the wall unit to house the electronics that go with the TV, and cord covers! Now Baby will have less trouble to get into and we can still have the TV and wireless router in that room. However, since he will get plenty of screen time at his grandparents’ house 2-3 days/per week, we’re planning to use the TV only for music for the first couple of years. Planning. Lol.

Also, he got rid of our flimsy tiki bar that was in the family room and bought a respectable hutch for the dining room to house our liquor, bar glasses/accessories, and hopefully our wedding stuff and China. It’s a small hutch though and we’ve accumulated a LOT of alcohol/bar stuff over the years. 😒 Then we’ll take out a leaf in the dining room table, stack the extra chairs in one corner of the dining room and put the high chair in the other, since we won’t need to use it for awhile.

We’re going to have a real grownup house soon! With baby stuff! It’s SO surreal. But it’s happening and I’ll post pictures when it’s complete!

Um what else? Oh another week where I’ve missed a bumpdate, but I’ll quickly update you in bullets:

– I’m 34 weeks today!
– Baby started dropping a couple of days ago
– Hemorrhoids are still bad (went from 1 to 4, back down to 1.5)
– My growth scan ordered because I measured 4 weeks ahead at my 30 week prenatal is FINALLY coming up on Tuesday! Wish me luck!
– Maternity leave countdown has begun! 3 weeks of work left!

Here’s a picture from Wednesday


10 thoughts on “Lots to update

  1. Congrats on the job!! I knew you could do it!! So much going on right now. Good luck (to your hubby? lol) on getting everything done to the house before the baby comes! So fun about the shower, and the upcoming one as well. Try to take it a bit easy the next couple weeks!

  2. congrats on the new job! What a great way to start this new chapter of your life! And hooray for getting things ready for baby. It’s a lot of work, isn’t it?

  3. Congrats on the job!!! And don’t stress too hard on getting everything ready in the house. Remember your little one will not come home crawling or walking, so there is still time. 🙂

  4. Congrats on the new job! That’s so exciting!

    Don’t stress too much about getting absolutely everything done by the time the baby is home. While it would be nice, you don’t have to worry about rolling until about 4 months old, sitting up until about 6 months, crawling at 8 months, etc. 🙂

    • Thanks! Yeah, we have time until we need a baby-proofed space, but I don’t want any projects when the baby gets here until he’s older and that space has basically been a wasteland for stuff we don’t know what to do with so it’s nice to get it cleaned up!

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