LPC #1 Results

Hi Blogland. Sorry I’ve been so absent, but holy crap my life won’t slow down. We are remodeling our master bedroom (FINALLY!!!) and landscaping part of our backyard (the section right outside our bedroom) this weekend. Tomorrow morning we start. So this week has been filled with lots of calls with the contractor and trying […]

LPC #1

I’m just waiting for a few more pictures of finished projects and then I’ll post them!!! So if you haven’t already, send them my way please. Dogmomchasingthestork@gmail.com

Scratch that!

I was just working on a post about time. About how quickly it passes, but how lucky I am to live such a full life. Even though I don’t have babies yet. Then I found out about a half hour ago that my great-grandmother passed away. I’m ok because I know she lived a very […]

LPC (Lazy Pinner’s Challenge) #1

Thanks so much to all of you who have participated in this last-minute, completely unorganized monthly challenge! Every weekend I say I’m going to finally do one of my projects I’ve pinned and sure enough, I don’t. Thanks for forcing me to actually complete something! 🙂 And without further ado, here are this month’s participants: […]

The Lazy Pinner’s Challenge

Wahooo!  I’m so excited some of you would like to join me in my Pinterest challenge!  Since I (like every single one of you) have so much going on in my life in addition to battling Infertility, I would like to start out nice and easy.  The thought of organizing a super complex challenge is […]

Whoa, whoa, WHOA! *long vent coming*

And let the whining commence. Why do I have to go through SO much bullshit at once?! I swear the amount I go through at one time is more than anyone should go through throughout their entire lifetime. Right now I have self doubt about forgoing medication this month, my great grandmother is in a […]


Please send Trisha some love. She miscarried in April and got another BFP in June. But just before 10 weeks, this Maybe-Baby no longer had a heart beat. That’s all I can say right now.  I hoped for a different outcome this time for her and am sitting in stunned silence trying to think of […]